Our LIS Blue is a fast, easy-to-use, secure, and accessible laboratory information system developed using the latest web technology.
[SPC] Surgical Pathology Consultation
[SPP] Surgical Pathology Professional
Immunohistochemistry & Special Stains
Refer to Printable IHC Test Menu for IHC Markers
[M COLON NGS] Colorectal Cancer NGS: BRAF, KRAS, NRAS
[M EGFR] EGFR Mutation Analysis
[M IDH1/2] IDH1/IDH2 Mutation Analysis
[FP BURKITT] Burkitt / “Double Hit” Large B–cell Lymphoma Panel: C–MYC, IGH::MYC, IGH::BCL2, BCL6
[FP ALK] ALK 2p23 rearrangement
[FP BCL1] IGH::BCL1 fusion t(11;14)
[FP BCL2] IGH::BCL2 fusion t(14;18)
[FP BCL6] BCL6 / 3q27 rearrangement
[FP CMYC] C-MYC 8q24 rearrangement
[FP EGFR] EGFR amplification 7p11.2
[FP GLI] Oligodendroglioma, 1p-,19q-
[FP HER2 HER2/neu amplification Breast Cancer
[FP HER2 GA] HER2/neu amplification Gastric Cancer
[FP IGH] IGH 14q32 rearrangement
[FP IGH MYC] IGH::MYC fusion t(8;14)
[FP MALT] MALT1 18q21 rearrangement
[FP IRF4] IRF4 6p25 rearrangement
[FP ROS1] ROS1 6q22.1 rearrangement
[CT] Chlamydia Trachomatis, Qualitative by Aptima COMBO® 2 TMA
[HPV G] Human Papillomavirus Genotyping
[HPV HR] Human Papillomavirus High Risk by Aptima HPV
[HSV] Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 and 2 Qualitative by PCR
[NG] Neisseria Gonorrhoeae Qualitative by Aptima COMBO® 2 TMA
[TV] Trichomonas Vaginalis by Aptima
[F URO] Bladder Cancer Panel (+3, +7, +17, 9p21-)
[CYTO PB] Chromosome Analysis Peripheral Blood (Constitutional)
[BMPE] Bone Marrow Pathology Evaluation
[SPC] Surgical Pathology Consultation
[SPP] Surgical Pathology Professional
Immunohistochemistry & Special Stains
Refer to Printable IHC Menu for IHC Markers
[CYTO BM] Chromosome Analysis Bone Marrow
[CYTO LN] Chromosome Analysis Lymphoma (Lymph Node)
[CYTO LPB] Chromosome Analysis Leukemic Peripheral Blood
[FLOW] Flow Cytometry Leukemia / Myeloma / Lymphoma
[FLOW TC] Flow Cytometry Technical Only
[FLOW M] Flow Cytometry and Morphology
[FLOW BAL] Bronchoalveolar Lavage: CD3, CD4, CD8, CD16, CD45, CD4:CD8 ratio
[FLOW LAD] Leukocyte Adhesion Deficiency: CD11a, CD11b, CD11c, CD18
[FLOW PNH] Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria – High Sensitivity: FLAER, CD14, CD24, CD59
Next Generation Sequencing (NGS)
[M IgVH] IgVH Somatic Hypermutation
[M MYD88] MYD88 p.L265P Mutation
[M TP53] TP53 Mutation
[M TCR] T-Cell Receptor Gamma Gene Rearrangement
[F AML FRONTLINE] Acute Myeloid Leukemia Frontline Panel: -5/5q-, -7/7q-, t(8;21), CBFB, MLL(KMT2A)
[F AML SECONDARY] Acute Myeloid Leukemia Secondary Panel: MECOM, NUP98, t(6;9), t(9;22), TP53 (17p13)
[F BURKITT] Burkitt / “Double Hit” Large B–cell Lymphoma Panel: C–MYC, IGH::MYC, IGH::BCL2, BCL6
[F CLL] Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Panel: MYB (6q23), ATM (11q22.3), +12, DLEU1 (13q14.3), TP53(17p13)
[F EOS] Eosinophilia panel: FIP1L1/CHIC2/PDGFRA, 4q12 rearrangement; PDGFRB, 5q32 rearrangement; FGFR1, 8p11.2 rearrangement
[F MDS] Myelodysplasia Panel: -5/5q-, -7/7q-, +8, 20q-
[F MPD] Myeloproliferative Neoplasms Panel: +8, 13q-, 20q-, BCR::ABL1
[F MM] Plasma Cell Neoplasm Panel (performed on cells enriched for CD138+): 1p-, 1q+, +5, +9, IGH::CCND1, 13q-, +15, 17p-
[F MM REF] Plasma Cell Neoplasm Reflex Panel (performed on cells enriched for CD138+): IGH::FGFR3, IGH::MAF
[F 4Q12] FIPIL1/PDGFRA 4q12 gene rearrangement
[F 7q] Deletion 7q22 (D7S796, D7S658)/7q31.2 (D7S486)
[F AML ETO] AML1::ETO t(8;21)
[F ATM] ATM/CEP11 deletion 11q22.3
[F BCL1] IGH::BCL1 t(11;14)
[F BCL2] IGH::BCL2 t(14;18)
[F BCL3] BCL3 19q13.3 Rearrangement
[F BCL6] BCL6 3q27 rearrangement
[F BCR ABL] BCR::ABL1 t(9;22)
[F CBFB] CBFB t(16;16), inv(16)
[F CMYC] C-MYC 8q24 rearrangement
[F D1314] Deletion 13q14.3
[F D20] Deletion 20q12
[F DEK::NUP214] DEK::NUP214 t(6;9)
[F EGR1] EGR1 5q deletion, monosomy 5
[F ETV6::RUNX1] ETV6::RUNX1 t(12;21) gene fusion
[F FGFR1] FGFR1 8p11.2 Rearrangement
[F FGFR3] IGH::FGFR3 t(4;14) [F IGH] IGH 14q32 rearrangement
[F IGH MAF] IGH::MAF t(14;16)
[F IGH MALT1] IGH/MALT1 t(14;18)
[F IGH MYC] IGH::MYC t(8;14)
[F IRF4] IRF4 6p25 rearrangement
[F MALT1] MALT1 18q21 rearrangement
[F MECOM] MECOM 3q26 rearrangement
[F MLL] MLL (KMT2A) 11q23 Gene Rearrangement
[F MYB] MYB 6q deletion
[F NUP98] NUP98 11p15.5 rearrangement
[F P53] TP53 17p13 deletion
[F PDGFRB] PDGFRB Gene Rearrangement
[F PML RARA] PML::RARA t(15;17)
[F PRDM16] PRDM16 1p36 rearrangement
[F T12] Trisomy 12
[F T21] Trisomy 21
[F T8] Trisomy 8
Our LIS Blue is a fast, easy-to-use, secure, and accessible laboratory information system developed using the latest web technology.
Beyond informing drug target discovery, validation, and clinical development, it uncovers critical genetic markers that drive disease progression and influence individual treatment responses. This empowers healthcare professionals to create more precise, tailored treatment plans, optimizing medical management based on each patient’s genetic profile.
DNA Solutions – WGS*, WGMS*, WES*, TSO-500 Comp, Pillar OncoReveal
RNA Solutions – Total RNA-Seq*, RNA exome*, mRNA*
Liquid Biopsy Solutions – TSO-500 ctDNA, PGDx elio™ plasma complete*
*Offered through fully accredited partner laboratories.
Our advanced technology enables simultaneous visualization of single or multiple biomarkers within the same tissue section, delivering comprehensive insights and precise diagnostics. With unmatched expertise and cutting-edge technology, our team supports you in understanding complex tissue microenvironments, aiding patient stratification and treatment response prediction.